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Sunday, March 30

How To Solve Jakarta's traffic jam

this essay is on my opinion, don't copy paste please thankyou

How to Solve Jakarta's Big Problem in Trafic congestion
Nowadays, almost every family has one car. The increasing number of vehicles without providing sufficient infastructure will affect to the occurrence of  traffic congestion. Traffic congestion is still a major problem in the big cities which is hard to fix, including Jakarta. Jakarta still can not solve the traffic congestion problem. Traffic congestion could disturb our daily life, like it could make us come late to our office or to school.  Every cloud has a silver lining. There are several things that must be considered by the government to handle traffic congestion in Jakarta such as the condition of the street, public transportation, and pedestrians.
The condition of the street affects the traffic condition. In Jakarta, there are many unfeasible roads, which could make congestion. Every driver will slow down their vehicle if there is a unfeasible road. Besides it can makes a congestion, the unfeasible road can makes an accident too. In a day at least three times accident happen on the one of unfeasible road. To decrease the traffic congestion caused by the unfeasible roads, government must fix that unfeasible roads. Traffic light is also very influential in the traffic. Government must review the duration of each traffic light. if it's too long it will trigger a long queue of vehicles. That must be balance between red light and green light. To speed up the flow of vehicles, government must impose one way street. One way street system can impose on the crowded street.  
The uncovinience of public transportation makes a lot of peoples prefer using their private vehicles. It means if each person will prefer to use a private vehicle for their daily activities, so you can imagine how many vehicles will there be on the streets which can trigger the congestion. The Government should fix the convenience of public transportation, so that people would prefer using public transportation to private cars. It will reduce the number of the vehicles on the sreet. To make people prefer to use public transportation in their daily activities, the public transportation should be free from any charges. The budget for vehicle maintenance can be taken from the tax paid by the public each year. To decrease the used of private vehicles, government must increase the tax for the private vehicles so that the people would prefer using public transportation rather buying a private vehicle. To reduce the congestion that occurs in the city center, the drivers who enter the city center must be charged. So they will be reluctant to enter the city center and prefer to use public transportation or walking to enter city center.
And the last thing that must be handled by the Government is the pedestrians. The building more roads without providing a sidewalk will make the pedestrians confused where they must walk. Government should pay attention for a sidewalk, if there is a comfortable sidewalk, the pedestrians will feel comfortable walking in the right place without disturbing the traffic. In Jakarta the construction of sidewalks is also widely misused by the hawkers. Hawkers use the sidewalks for trading activities which can disturb the pedestrians. Government should relocate the hawkers who occupy the sidewalks. Besides sidewalks, government must provide a place for pedestrians to cross the road. If the pedestrian cross the street anywhere, it will triggering the congestion. Government should make a zebra-cross and crossing bridge, for pedestrians's place to cross the road. And the most important thing is makes the pedestrians to obey the traffic rules. However the pedestrians are a part of the road users.
So, by handling the condition of the street, public transportation and pedestrians, Government can solve the traffic congestion problem. Government have tried many possible sollutions to reduce the traffic congestion. In addition, the society should help the government reduce the traffic congestion by obeying the traffic rules.


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